Huletts Landing Homes for Sale on Lake George Lakefront Properties and Real Estate
Adirondacks, Featured, Huletts Landing, Lake George, Rental Properties

Pine Point – Rental Booked for 2025

January 4, 2023 by · Leave a Comment 

Rental: price undetermined 2021

Large open floor plan in the finest post and beam structure in the heart of Lands End at Huletts Landing
Two acres of lawns lead to lakeside and two islands attached and an indoor boathouse slip.
There are 4 bed rooms and a den and 3.5 baths.
Huge open decks and a covered porch with every amenity including a master suite and whirlpool tub with
a lake view.
A stone fire place and outdoor fire pit for campfires and several hundred feet of lakeside with a northern
ten mile view among others.
Summer and fall rentals considered in the heated year-round home, but no AC (just daily lake breezes!)    Rental fees for summer 2023  $6,500 weekly.  Two july weeks are open:  7/1 to 7/15, 2023   Jim Hudson

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Huletts Landing Homes for Sale on Lake George Lakefront Properties and Real Estate